National Library

ŋoßiŋil liþrori

All residents have immediate access to almost all volumes. Items are sometimes loaned outside the system for limited periods. Internet connected workstations are available in Rooms 4 and 5.


Hundreds of  volumes are kept in several rooms of the Library. Room 1 and 2 contain the children's and young readers collections.  Room 3 is a Reading Room whose materials change every couple of months.  Room 4 contains Gardening, Husbandry and Psychology. Room 5 contains Recipe and other Food related books.  Room 6 is largely devoid of books.

There are hundreds of volumes in the archives as well.


Largely housed in Room 4.  Room 2 contains some large collections.


VHS and DVD volumes are contained in Room 4.

Visual Arts (click to see)

Selected Websites:

Library Map:

Electronic Resources: